
We make all the arrangements for you, and you pick your parrot up at the airport, just like picking up a person & you will need a reference/airbill number. Shipping is totally safe & stress free on the bird. You will receive your bird within 6-8 hours same day after shipping depending on your location. Transportation by planes are as safe as you or I flying. I have shipped pets for more than 11 years now.

We ship our parrots using airlines because it is the fastest & safest way to transport our parrots from our place to yours especially if you live far away or in another state. Our parrots are shipped in an airline approved pet kennel that we customize for parrots, the distance or duration of the journey. They ride in a special climate controlled & pressurized compartment on the plane which is no difference from the cabin.

Our shipping crates are clearly marked with colorful “LIVE ANIMALS” and “UP” stickers. We mark the crates clearly with the destination airport, the confirmation number, the phone & address of the customer. When we know that a parrot is going to be shipped, we play with them in the crate prior to shipping so they are used to it. They have never shown fear of the crate. We put lots of food & plenty of water in the shipping crate. One reason we do this is in case, in the unlikely event the bird should get stuck at an airport overnight (because of connecting flight trouble), we don’t have to worry if they have enough to eat or drink. Although traveling is not that hard on them, we do not like to make them spend any more time than absolutely necessary in transit. For this reason we also look for the shortest route & always schedule direct flights if possible.

We check weather conditions at the receiving end and only ship when we consider it safe to do so. We put our parrots health above all other considerations and do not ship when we feel it could be dangerous to the parrots well-being. We usually ship Monday – Saturday. We guarantee safe & healthy arrival of your parrot. We WILL NOT SHIP if we feel that weather conditions are hazardous for the parrot. Your bird may take few days to adjust once they get to their new homes, sometimes it takes them a day or two to settle in, but by far, the vast majority of people tell us they just step right out of the shipping crate & act right at home. We really appreciate knowing that the parrot has arrived safely & at home with you, so please call or email us as soon as you get the chance.

Don’t forget to take your parrot to veterinarian for the regular arrival-health-check-up within 48 hours of arrival. A follow-up call is placed 24 hours after you have received your parrot to ensure everything is perfect. We can also deliver your new parrots or (eggs) DIRECTLY into your arms!! We have reliable Airline Nanny’s that will fly with your parrot right to you. This is the safest, most reliable, and the least stressful way for your new parrot to be delivered to you. We want the best possible care for your parrots!

Due Dilligence:
All Parrots are flown with water and food attached to their crate if needed. Shipping varies, but, we prefer to use American United or Continental Airlines. They are wonderful with animals and have new planes with compartments made especially for kittens, puppies, birds, insects, etc.

Shipping Fee:
Shipping to North & South America: $115/Parrot
Shipping to Europe & Asia: $175/Parrot
Shipping to Oceania : $185/Parrot